The History of Navigational Lights to Charleston 2025

An intriguing presentation on the history of the various navigational lights that have existed over the centuries in our area. While you might be thinking of our own iconic Sullivan's Island lighthouse, there is far more to the story than that. National Park Ranger Shelby McAllister presented a program that expanded our knowledge on the topic. Ranger Shelby is a native of Iowa. After finding that classroom teaching wasn't for her, she joined the National Park Service and served at Harpers Ferry, Shiloh, and Lincoln's Home in Springfield, Illinois, before coming to Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park. Shelby told us about the many lighthouses, range lights and other beacons that have guided mariners to Charleston over the centuries, including our own unique lighthouse.
Annual Members’ Dinner 2024

Saturday, November 2, 2024 proved once again that Battery Gadsden Cultural Center’s annual members’ dinner is one of the membership’s favorite events and benefits. 115 BGCC members and guests gathered on the grounds of Battery Gadsden to be treated to a lowcountry feast, again provided by famed local caterer, Jamie Westendorf. The weather cooperated, the tiki torches were lit, the fire pit was aglow, and conversation was everywhere with people getting to know people, both new friends and old. There was a special rendition of Happy Birthday offered to board member, Linda Perkis, by BGCC’s artistic partners from Holy City Arts (HALO). Chris Cordaro was announced as the group’s Volunteer of the Year. Cordaro, who has helped with many things around the Battery, hammering, painting, repairing, setting up for events, as well as performing, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all of his many contributions. The group’s vice-president, Adele Tobin, commented, “We are so pleased to see this event growing each year. I think people appreciate our speaker series, our arts events and our oral history project, but clearly this is one of the best ways we give back to those who have supported us over the past year.” Food, fun, and fellowship. If this third annual dinner was any indication, you can bet there will be a fourth next fall!
HALOween 2024

October saw the beginning of our brand-new arts residency agreement with Holy City Arts (HALO). On October 25, HALO hosted its first event at Battery Gadsden, a spooky HALOween concert that included not only world class singing, but also a dramatic reading of Poe's The Raven, food and drink, and a fun costume contest. Click here to see HALO's HALOween photo gallery. Guests also had the opportunity to get a feel for how the Battery will be used when HALO returns for its future productions.
Cape Romain Turtle Project 2024

In October we shifted to another of your favorite topics, the incredible world of nature that surrounds us here in the Lowcountry. Abbie King, who works as a team leader for the Cape Romain Turtle Project, gave a spectacular presentation of her and her colleagues’ work with the sea turtles of Cape Romain. Overseen by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and funded by the Coastal Expeditions Foundation, the 2024 season yielded 2,105 nests, representing 44‰ of sea turtle nests in South Carolina, with over 122,000 hatchlings reaching the ocean. What a fantastic job these folks are doing and we were happy they shared it with us. Thank you Abbie!
Historian Rick Hatcher 2024

September's program featured noted local historian, Rick Hatcher, speaking on his new book, “Thunder in the Harbor: Fort Sumter and the Civil War.” Rick had a long career in the National Park Service and served as the historian at Fort Moultrie, so no one could have been better equipped to write this book or to present it for BGCC. His program, which brought out many Civil War buffs, was followed by a book signing. Rick was also kind enough to donate some of his proceeds to Battery Gadsden. Sincere thanks to Rick!
Baseball Speaker Finds The Sweet Spot 2024

Diehard baseball fans on Sullivan’s Island were recently treated to an entertaining evening dedicated to their favorite sport. On Thursday, March 21, 2024, BGCC welcomed baseball expert, Heather Rivet, as their monthly speaker. Rivet is a public historian whose background is in program planning and management.
Baseball in South Carolina can be traced back to the Civil War and Reconstruction when the game was brought south by Union troops. By 1867 the New York Times was hailing “base ball fever” and the establishment of “nearly a dozen” Charleston teams, “both black and white” as evidence that “the last spark of rebellion’s feelings has died out among the people here.”
If that was ever true, it didn’t last. Rivet went on to detail the replacement of sectional tensions by the rise of racial tensions during the Jim Crow era, including the infamous Charleston baseball riot of 1896.

After World War II Charleston saw the explosion of youth baseball, mainly Little League. Their competitor was Dixie Youth Baseball, whose uniforms initially included the Confederate flag on their shoulder patch. Segregation continued throughout these early years of youth baseball. As related by Rivet, one of the most poignant stories surrounded the Cannon Street All-Stars, an all-black Little League team, that in 1955 was entered in the South Carolina Little League tournament. That tournament was boycotted by every white team, so the Cannon Street team was declared state champions by forfeit. They were invited to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA, but because Little League rules stated that teams had to actually win a game at each level, not through forfeit, they were not allowed to participate.
After World War II Charleston saw the explosion of youth baseball, mainly Little League. Their competitor was Dixie Youth Baseball, whose uniforms initially included the Confederate flag on their shoulder patch. Segregation continued throughout these early years of youth baseball. As related by Rivet, one of the most poignant stories surrounded the Cannon Street All-Stars, an all-black Little League team, that in 1955 was entered in the South Carolina Little League tournament. That tournament was boycotted by every white team, so the Cannon Street team was declared state champions by forfeit. They were invited to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA, but because Little League rules stated that teams had to actually win a game at each level, not through forfeit, they were not allowed to participate.
(photos by Rob Byko)
Lowcountry Nature Photography 2024

Nearly 100 people gathered at Sunrise Presbyterian Church on January 18, 2024 to hear renowned Lowcountry nature photographer, Cacky Rivers, and see some of her amazing images of local bird life. One lucky audience member even received a copy of Cacky's book as a door prize. All in all, this was a delightful evening of beautiful photography.
Annual Members Event 2023

One of the most popular benefits of membership in Battery Gadsden Cultural Center has become the annual lowcountry feast for its current members. On Friday evening, November 3, 2023 about 80 people gathered on the grounds of Battery Gadsden to enjoy an evening of food and fellowship. (Click here to see more photos.)
Adele Tobin, vice-president of the group, noted, “It’s amazing. You take a nice evening with good food and drink, then offer people the chance to get together with old friends and to make new ones, and you have the perfect recipe for a good time. You don’t have to do anything fancy. This is what community is all about.”
An addition to the food and fun was the announcement by BGCC of its Volunteer of the Year Award. This year’s recipient was Rob Byko. Rob has donated his remarkable talents to the group by photographing nearly every one of its events over the past several years.
“Our board is constantly looking for new ways to serve the community and provide benefits to our members”, Walsh said. “But this evening’s dinner is far and away our favorite way of saying thanks to our members and supporters.” From remarks heard afterward, everyone in attendance felt the same.
Invasion – Prelude to Antietam 2023

On Thursday, September 21, 2023 we were treated to a phenomenal presentation by Rev. Jeff Miller, the Rector of St. Philips Church. Before entering the clergy, Jeff was a National Park Service Ranger, including at Gettysburg and Antietam. He is now recognized as an accomplished Civil War historian. Jeff captivated the audience with his talk titled "Invasion - Prelude to Antietam". Thanks, Rev. Miller. This was a great pleasure to have you with us.
Carolina Day 2023

On Saturday, June 24, 2023 Battery Gadsden Cultural Center and the Town of Sullivan's Island staged our 4th annual Carolina Day celebration on the plaza in front of Town Hall. This local recognition of the Battle of Sullivan's Island is becoming a tradition and continues to grow each year. This year almost a hundred onlookers witnessed the traditional proclamation of the day by Mayor O'Neil, presentation of the Moultrie flag by members of Boy Scout Troop 59, and a musket salute by members of the 2nd South Carolina Regiment. A musical element was introduced by an excellent young bagpiper, Grange Simons. A talk by Connie Mahan of the Ft. Sullivan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was followed by the incredible story of Rev. Robert Smith, the Rector of St. Philips Church who left his pulpit and came to Sullivan's Island to fight under Col. Moultrie. The morning was topped off by coffee and doughnuts for all. Battery Gadsden wants to thank all the participants and the town staff of Sullivan's Island who helped make this year's commemoration the best yet. Let's keep this important tradition going!
(photos by Rob Byko)
Jazz in the Fort 2023

BGCC is always looking for collaborations. On June 6, 2023 we were pleased to join forces with the Friends of Charleston National Parks to co-sponsor a jazz concert presented by the Charlton Singleton Quartet at Fort Moultrie. Almost 250 patrons enjoyed world class jazz on the parade ground of the old fort. As a special member benefit, our dues paying members were given early access to the limited number of tickets and offered a discounted price. The sold-out concert was a tremendous success, although slightly shortened when a thunderstorm rolled in. Spirits weren't dampened though and all comments were extremely positive. We'll be looking to do more functions like this and hopefully work again with our friends who support our national park.
Native Plants 2023

Wow! Who knew we had this many avid gardeners in our community? If there was any doubt, they were dispelled on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at the Island Club when an overflow crowd heard master naturalist and long-time garden designer, Derek Wade, present "Native Plants in the Landscape". This was a great presentation. Of course, it may have been accentuated by the freshly popped popcorn by BGCC member and popcorn chef, Bill Brumley. Thanks, Derek! And thanks, Bill!
Photographers' Showcase 2023

On Friday, April 21, 2023, we had a tremendous response to an exhibition of works from local photographers. It was a beautiful evening at Battery Gadsden and attendees enjoyed the artistic talents of the exhibitors, a glass of wine, and the chance to gather with friends and neighbors. Just as with last year's local artists' show, this was a chance to showcase the incredible talent that we are so lucky to have in our island community! Thanks to all who participated.
An Evening With Author, Angela May 2023

On March 23, 2023, BGCC was pleased to host award-winning children's author, Angela May, who discussed her most recent book, "The Islanders' Search for Treasure", in a presentation titled "Nature is Magic: The Inspiration of the Islanders Book Series". Angela brought out probably the youngest audience we've ever had, all of whom had fun with the chance to ask Angela many of their favorite questions. Thanks, Angela, and good luck with your future books in the series!
Military Wife/Military Life 2022

Over 171 years, from 1776 to 1947, the history of Fort Moultrie has centered on the military men who served there, but many women were present as well. In September 2022 our invited speakers, Mary Hatcher and Jean Hutchinson, revealed a captivating parallel history through the stories of the women of Fort Moultrie: the military wives and families and the women who served including the WWII Women’s Army Corps “WACs”.
These stories employed the words of the women themselves from diaries, journals, and letters to family and friends as they faced the challenges of the constraints of military life, meager salaries and housing that - depending on the era - could range from tents to officer’s quarters. Their words were paired with numerous images of daily life. In addition, Mary and Jean, both members of the Costume Society of America, exhibited a sampling of women’s clothing of the times.
Mary Hatcher, with a degree in US History, has worked for the National Park Service in living history interpretation and as a staff historian. Jean Hutchinson, with an art degree, has specialized in the daily lives and clothing of women in the 18th and 19th centuries. Both share their expertise with local and national organizations.
First Annual Members Event 2022

On Friday, October 28, 2022, Battery Gadsden Cultural Center held its first annual members' event. A social event to recognize and thank dues paying members. Creative talent Jamie Westendorff prepared a delicious low country meal to the 80 members in attendance.
BGCC president, Mike Walsh, noted that Battery Gadsden Cultural Center is best known for its speaker series, and promised to continue to bring interesting speakers to Sullivan's Island.
BGCC board member, Adele Tobin, commented, “It’s obvious with the laughter and conversation that people have enjoyed the chance to get together, renew old acquaintances, and make new friends. This is what our area needs more of, the opportunity to feel like a real community. We’re proud to have provided that opportunity.”
A certificate of appreciation to BGCC’s very first volunteers of the year was presented to Diane and Bill Brumley. “While we’ve had many folks pitch in and help when we’ve needed it, Bill and Diane have gone the extra mile and have helped with practically every event we’ve had,” Walsh said. “They are most deserving of this recognition.”
Carolina Day 2022

On Saturday, June 25, 2022 almost 100 residents and visitors witnessed our 2022 Carolina Day celebration at the Sullivan's Island Town Hall. The ceremony, co-sponsored by BGCC and the Town of Sullivan's Island, featured an invocation by Rev. Danny Massie, a proclamation of the day by Mayor Patrick O'Neil, raising of the Moultrie Flag, a musket salute fired by members of the 2nd South Carolina Regiment, Col. Moultrie's unit, and a presentation by Maggie Adams, Regent of the Ft. Sullivan Chapter of the DAR.
Participating in the flag ceremony were the scouts of BSA Troop 59 from Stella Maris Church. A very special part of this year's event was the presentation of BGCC's Cultural Stewardship Award to Wayne Steljes for his years of faithful, volunteer service caring for Thomson Park at Breach Inlet. Coffee and doughnuts topped off the fun morning for all who attended! We're looking forward to next year already! Mark Saturday, June 24, 2023 on your calendars.
Carolina Day 2021

Carolina Day 2021 was a rousing success on Sullivan's Island. On Saturday, June 26, about 75 onlookers enjoyed the ceremony commemorating the 245th anniversary of the Battle of Sullivan's Island when Col. William Moultrie and his band of American patriots turned away the mighty British military in their first attempt to capture Charles Town.
The battle, which took place on June 28, 1776, was one of the first great American victories of the Revolutionary War. That date, six days prior to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, has been celebrated ever since.
This year's event included an invocation and benediction by Rev. Danny Massie, a proclamation by Mayor Patrick O'Neil, and ceremonial presentation and raising of the Moultrie flag by members of the town council and Battery Gadsden board members. Mary Ann Marwick of the Ft. Sullivan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution described the group's mission of historic preservation, and Mike Walsh, president of Battery Gadsden Cultural Center, told the amazing story of the palmetto log fort and the part it played in the American victory. Even more color and historic atmosphere was added this year by members of the 2nd South Carolina Regimental reenactors in their authentic uniforms.
This event, co-sponsored by Battery Gadsden Cultural Center and the Town of Sullivan's Island, plans to grow every year to include more recognition of the battle that took place here on this very island.
Click here to watch video coverage by local CBS affiliate, Channel 5
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Your membership provides support for the many meaningful programs of BGCC to promote civilian history, arts, and culture on Sullivan’s Island.